Niche Navigators: Gifting & Hamper Delivery

14 min
We're diving into the world of SEO for gifting & hamper delivery businesses this episode - pulling back the curtains on some of the tactics that work to generate new customers in this space.
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Show Notes

In this episode of the SEO Show, titled "Niche, Niche, Niche Navigators," my co-host Arthur Fabik and I, Michael Costin, dive deep into the world of e-commerce, specifically focusing on the niche of gifting and hampers. We kick off the episode by discussing the importance of SEO in this competitive market and how businesses can optimise their online presence to attract more customers.

We start by outlining the essential "must-haves" for any gifting and hampers website, including optimised content, strong metadata, keyword-rich internal links, and robust link-building strategies. These foundational elements are crucial for any SEO campaign, and we emphasise that if you've ticked these boxes, you're already on the right path.

As we delve deeper into the niche, we introduce several innovative tactics to enhance SEO performance. One of the standout strategies we discuss is the creation of suburb pages. By targeting specific suburbs for hamper delivery, businesses can capture hyper-local traffic, which is often overlooked. We explain how to implement this strategy programmatically or manually, depending on the resources available.

Next, we explore the idea of hospital pages. We highlight how people often send gifts or hampers to loved ones in hospitals, making it a valuable opportunity for businesses to create targeted content around major hospitals in their delivery areas. This approach not only increases visibility but also caters to a specific audience looking for thoughtful gift options during significant life events.

We also touch on the potential of interstate and international pages, allowing businesses to reach customers looking to send gifts from abroad. This tactic can be particularly effective for those with a domain, as it opens up avenues for sales from international markets.

Additionally, we emphasise the importance of occasion pages, such as those for Mother's Day, Father's Day, and other significant events. By creating dedicated content for these occasions, businesses can attract seasonal traffic and boost sales during peak gifting times.

Finally, we discuss the value of recipient-type pages, targeting specific demographics or interests, such as hampers for men, women, or niche markets like vegan or corporate gifts. This targeted approach can help businesses stand out in a crowded market.

Throughout the episode, we encourage listeners to think creatively about their SEO strategies and to reach out to us with any additional ideas or gaps they see in our discussion. We wrap up by reiterating the importance of these tactics in building a successful gifting and hampers business online.

Join us next week for another exciting episode of the SEO Show, and until then, happy hamper delivering optimisation!

00:00:00 - Introduction to the SEO Show
00:00:19 - Meet Your Hosts
00:01:12 - Niche Navigators Introduction
00:01:23 - Exploring the Gifting and Hampers Niche
00:02:25 - SEO Must-Haves for E-commerce
00:02:47 - Suburb Pages for Local SEO
00:03:56 - Creating Hospital Pages for Gift Delivery
00:06:56 - Targeting Interstate and International Customers
00:08:12 - Importance of Occasion Pages
00:10:19 - Recipient Type Pages for Targeted Marketing
00:12:05 - Conclusion and Call for Listener Input
00:12:48 - Outro and Next Episode Teaser


Hi guys, Michael here. Do you want a second opinion on your SEO? Head to and hit the link in the header. We'll take a look under the hood at your SEO, your competitors and your market and tell you how you can improve. All right, let's get into the show.

INTRO: It's time for the SEO show where a couple of nerds talk search engine optimization so you can learn to compete in Google and grow your business online. Now here's your hosts, Michael and Arthur.

MICHAEL: Hello and welcome to another episode of the SEO show. I am Michael Costin. I'm joined by Arthur Fabik. That's me. That's you. That's me. And this week we're doing an episode of niche, niche, niche navigators. God, that really- Is that the first time you've played that? No, I played it on- The last one. When we made it. Oh, okay. I was so excited I had to play it the next episode. Is this the first time we've used it officially? This is the first time we've used it in production. Wow, okay.

ARTHUR: Yeah. Exciting.

MICHAEL: Really like tingles down the spine listening to that. That's concerning. The haunting vocals over the melody. Go see a chiropractor. All right. So niche navigators, we are plowing into another niche, diving into the niche, seeing what we come up with, digging, digging, exploring, going into the depths of this niche. Um, the niche we've picked is gifting and hampers. So e-commerce, And they sell gifts and hampers. Pretty straightforward. We're going to walk through some of the tactics that we've seen work from an SEO point of view on that sort of a site. So first and foremost, the must haves, we'll get them out of the way. Very obvious. And then we'll get into the more tactical stuff. Must haves. Optimized content, strong metadata, keyword rich, internal links to the main category pages from the homepage, internal links between all the category pages, strong link building. Strong. Authority link building game is strong. Yes. We're just assuming that you have that. Okay. SEO 101. We don't need to navigate a niche to tell you to do that. You've ticked all the boxes. They've been ticked. They're all ticked. But when you really want to get into things, you really want to get the most bang out of your SEO campaign, here's what we'd do. If we were running a gifting and hampers, gifting and or hampers site. Okay. Okay. What do you want to start off with? I'm going to start with something that God, it's exciting. Suburb pages. Wow. I love suburb pages. I think we spoke about suburb pages for air conditioning HVAC. Yes. You can do them for a lot of niches. Yes. But in this case for. What was it? Gifting and hampers and or gifts?

ARTHUR: Let's say hamper delivery. Just gifts. Hamper delivery.

MICHAEL: So basically creating location pages surrounding all the suburbs that you want to target or in the city that you're in. So if you're in Sydney, creating pages for hamper delivery, Ataman, hamper delivery, Parramatta, just all the areas around you. Yep. Pretty, pretty straightforward. Because that's how people will search generally. Yes. You know, if they're trying to get it delivered to someone in that area or whatever. So you can do this programmatically. If you create a big Excel document of all the suburbs and find out a way to upload that, or you can do it manually. Yep. One by one. You just start with the most, I guess, priority suburbs here in terms of where your most customers come from or. Keyword research volume. Well, maybe it could be based on like, if you have delivery drivers, what's closest to your easiest or most profitable, you know, cheapest to deliver. Whatever works for you. The general gist is, yeah, build out your suburb pages. That's going to get you a hyper-local relevant traffic. Volume will be low individually, but across all of those pages, you're going to get some traffic. You're going to sell some hampers. So many hampers. So many hamper delivery artamen, boom. There's gonna be so many hampers there. I can't remember the last time I've seen an hamper. Like- A hamper? Yeah. When was the last time you've received a hamper? Received? I don't know. We send them to clients. It's been a while. No, we've- It's been a while. In the last year, we've sent hampers. No, we haven't. I'm gonna say, yes, we have. I feel like hampers, they're a bit dated, aren't they? They're a bit- They're not dated. They're pretty dated. Oh, says you. Yeah. Luckily there's 6 million other people in this city that are, and 26 million in the country. I reckon there's going to be some hamper purveyors of hampers and purchases of hampers in that 26 million. Well, there's a lot of hamper websites. So surely there's people buying hampers. Yeah. Don't listen to Arthur. Don't listen to this niche that we're trying to navigate here. Next minute it was dated. All right. You mentioned our tarman. I did. What is near our tarman in St. Leonard's? Royal North Shore Hospital. Exactly. Can you see where I'm going with this? I know exactly where you're going with this. Where am I going? Hospital pages. Hospital pages. You know, if people go to hospital, people like to send gifts and send flowers. Occasionally they send hampers. So creating pages around all the different hospitals in Sydney. So for example, Royal North Shore Hospital, flower delivery or hamper delivery. Yeah. All that. Flowers if they sell them. Yeah. Yeah, and basically people, let's say you've popped out a new baby. Or you've gone in for a- New baby's a good one because people send flowers, people send gifts whenever there's a- People tend to, like the default is flowers, but maybe you want to send something a little different. Like a little toy. Something different, unique baby gift at St. Leonard's Hospital. Such that your hospital page comes up with your hampers. Baby gift delivery. Rowan North Shore Hospital. Exactly. There you go. That's a, that's a hospital page. Yep. The key is you got to have those pages. Yeah. There's not that many hospitals in Sydney, maybe across the private and the public ones. Uh, I don't know, let's say 50 to 200. I don't know. I don't know. Probably around that. Yeah. Um, so build out the pages for them. Start with the big obvious ones or the big public ones. Yeah. Um, they are little, what do we always say? Nets in the sea. That will go catch you some fish. Cast your nets far and wide. Cast your nets. In this case, write pages about hospitals and put them on your hamper delivery website. Moving on, moving on. Interstate and or no, I'm going to say and international pages. So pages that are targeting people in other parts of the world or the country that want to send a delivery in the area that you deliver to. So it might be gift delivery to Sydney, Australia, for example. Yeah. Gift send gift from UK to Australia page about that. Yeah. Send gift from us to Australia. Yeah, that works really well because there are people looking to send gifts. It can take a little time to rank those pages, especially if you're like domain trying to rank in US states or in the UK, but it does work over time with some link building, some good content and then not many people are doing it. So yeah. I doubt many hamper delivery companies have their game dialed in to do that.

ARTHUR: Maybe they are now. Not to that level.

MICHAEL: They're all tuning in. But that is going to get you dribs and drabs of sales, but dribs and drabs add up, don't they? Yeah. I mean, look, location, all those three tactics combined, you'll be getting a few orders from that for sure. Hopefully more than a few. Yeah. Hopefully a few a day or week.


MICHAEL: It takes time, you know, like building out all these pages. Suburb pages should crank really. If you do it programmatically. Yes. Yes. Um, and some areas, like you said, they're a bit more competitive than others. So it will take a little bit longer to rank. And again, search volume is important because bigger cities, bigger areas, bigger hospitals will have larger, like a larger search volume compared to like a smaller suburb. That's true. So it will take a bit of time, but eventually the idea is, you know, six months, 12 months down the line, you'll be getting orders and the traffic from all these pages. Do you know what the smallest suburb in Sydney is out of interest? Population wise? Just the smallest suburb, like in terms of size. Oh, I didn't know this. Is it that, is it that there's a like a military one near Willamaloo? It's like the boat suburb or something, man. No. Oh, there might be. Yeah. I don't know. I'm just trying to think off the top of my head. Yeah. I don't know. I was just wondering.

ARTHUR: I thought you knew.

MICHAEL: I was about to drop a mad bomb, but um, no. I'll Google it. You look that up and I'll move on with the next one. Are you ready for this? If you are running a hamper delivery company, Ecom selling online. Yes. You need to have occasion pages. Oh, they're very important. Very important. So by occasion pages, mother's day, father's day, new baby, sympathy, sympathy. Thank you. Thank you. Love anniversary. Yep. um, wedding, wedding, like milestone wedding anniversary, 10, 20, 30, 40. Yep. Birth month, maybe all that stuff. So build out those pages, get the content on it. Gifts for mother's day, father's day gifts, new baby gifts, um, hampers, new baby hampers, all that stuff, content, metadata, SEO. It's all happening on those occasion pages. Bit of link building, internal linking. All of a sudden you have got yourself one fine tuned hamper delivery website. And the last one that we want to tick off the list here before you get into that.


MICHAEL: I just did a quick search. So believe it or not, we're in bar is one of the smallest suburbs, not far from where you. grew up your old, old stomping grounds. Yeah. I've stomped around there at a certain point in time, but really that's the smallest. Yes. It's, it's quite small. It's actually only a couple of streets up and then yeah. Cause it's Abbotsford from Wayne and five doc. We're in this kind of just nestled in there. I know it's, this is very much off topic, but. Interesting. Interesting. Well, I don't know what I was talking about. Military boats. Yeah. Anyway, um, final, we need to get back to hamper chat. Okay. Final page that we think you need is pages based on recipient type. What do you mean by that? I mean, gender, corporate, niche, so like whiskey fan, beer fans, vegan, hampers for vegans. That's a cool one. The niches. Hampers for beer lovers.


MICHAEL: Whiskey, whiskey lover, hampers. Corporate, obviously. Corporate, like unique hampers for customer clients or customers to impress. Plant hampers. Plant hampers. That's not a recipient type though. That would be more of a, Hmm. That's a niche. Yeah. That's, that's a niche type. Yeah. Little succulents and stuff like that. I probably should have in this little list here had niches. It's the same thing, but anyway best hampers for men, unique hampers for girls. Yeah. That's it basically. What else? Is there any other way you could talk about hampers on your website to get traffic to it? Um, no, we've given you six different types of things there. If there is, I'd love to hear about it. Listen, if you run a hamper delivery business and you know of more, go to the SEO, leave us a message, use a little talk box thing, give us a vocal message and you tell us where we've, where's the gaps in our hamper delivery content strategy because We've, we've sort of run out of ideas, haven't we? So what do we do? We've got the suburb locations, occasions, hospitals, hospitals, like the interstate internationals niche specific recipient type. That is if guarantee most happy delivery companies aren't doing all of them. There's opportunities there. Yeah, definitely. So that has been Niche, Niche, Niche Navigators. Love it. I just needed to hear that again, but that is it for this week. We'll be back next week with another episode of the SEO show, but until then happy hamper delivering optimization. Happy SEOing. Bye bye.

ARTHUR: Thanks for listening to the SEO Show. If you like what you heard, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts. It will really help the show. We'll see you in the next episode.

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